更新:2024-05-19 07:05:19
年份: 2025  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:爱情 奇幻 古装  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
演员:李一桐 刘宇宁 祝绪丹 王以纶 王佑硕 王成思 苏梦芸 王丽娜 李卿 郭笑天 昌隆 吕行 张垒 黄维德 贾景晖 陈紫函 宋继扬 凌美仕 
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

书卷一梦是一部爱情,奇幻,古装片,当意外穿越进剧本世界,成为被反派男主用完即弃、凌虐致死的女主角应该怎么办?宋小鱼想都不用想,当然是能跑多远跑多远啊。然而无论如何努力,“剧情”始终都会将她推往男主南珩身边,上演一个又一个剧本名场面……   而在这个纸片世界里,亦有无数个早就被“设定”好的人物角色。有人被困深宫重院,有人囿于高门家宅,有人为雌竞所累,有人因权势奔走。有人渴望爱与自由,却只能戴着镣铐惶惶起舞,有人做着扶摇直上的大鹏之梦,却在日复一日的束缚与平庸中被消磨着激情。   这不仅是人怂怕死的躺平咸鱼宋小鱼和心狠手辣的夺命卷王南珩间的鏖战,更是每个“小我”纸片人与既定命运的战斗。

What should you do when you accidentally travel into the script world and become a heroine who is thrown away by the villain hero and tortured to death? Song Xiaoyu didn't have to think about it, of course he could run as far as he could. However, no matter how hard she tries, the \"plot\" will always push her towards the male protagonist Nan Heng, performing one famous scene after another... In this paper world, there are countless characters that have been \"set\" long ago. Some people are trapped in deep palaces and courtyards, some are confined to high-ranking homes, some are tired of female competition, and some are running for power. Some people yearn for love and freedom, but they can only dance in fear while wearing shackles. Some people dream of rising rapidly, but their passion is wasted in the constraints and mediocrity day after day. This is not only a fierce battle between the cowardly Song Xiaoyu and the ruthless and cruel Wang Nanheng, but also a battle between each \"ego\" paper person and his or her destiny.

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